From reliable experimental data to reliable structural data
細胞内過程のメカニズム解明には生体高分子の構造情報は必須であり、これを使うことで細胞機能を制御することが可能です。このため、構造情報はケミカルプローブの開発や創薬の基盤としても使われてきました。結晶構造解析の分野では、増え続ける構造情報に対するニーズに対応するため、回折強度測定から解析に至るまでの多くのプロセスが自動化され、誰もがそれなりの信頼性をもって解析を行うことが可能になりつつあります。しかし一方で、自動化が進むことで結晶学の基礎を学ぶ必要性が減り、信頼できる構造情報を得るための知識までもが失われていく危険性に晒されています。 さらに、様々な分野と構造生物分野の共同研究が行われることで、迅速に結果を求めらることも増え、どの様にしたら素早く信頼度の高い構造を得られるのかは、常に大きな問題です。このシンポジウムでは、どの様にして素早く高精度のデータ収集し正確な構造を得るか、この昔からあるテーマに焦点をあてて、米国バージニア大からHKL2000などのプログラム開発で高名なWladek Minor教授を迎えるとともに、5名の方に講演を依頼しました。信頼に足る構造を得ることに対する問題意識を共有する機会としたいと思います。
Structural information of biological macromolecules is essential for elucidating the mechanisms of intracellular processes and can be used to control cellular functions. Therefore, it has been used as a basis for chemical probe development and drug discovery. In the field of protein crystallography, to meet the increasing demand for structural information, many processes of structure determination have been automated, allowing anyone to perform structural analysis with a reasonable degree of reliability. This is probably true in other structural fields as well. At the same time, however, there is a danger that increased automation will reduce the need to learn the theory of crystallography, and even the knowledge to obtain reliable structural information will be lost. In addition, as structural biology research is conducted in collaboration with various fields of life sciences, rapid structure determination is required, and the method to quickly obtain reliable structures is always a major issue.
In this symposium, we would like to focus on the topic of how to obtain reliable data and structures quickly.
March 2(Saturday), 2024, 10:00 a.m.
AP Nihonbashi (Tokyo) (AP日本橋・東京)
【Participation Fee】
Wladek Minor (The University of Virginia)
Yusuke Yamada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Keitaro Yamashita (The University of Tokyo)
Miki Senda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Tadashi Satoh (AgroDesign Studios)
Koh Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Raymond Burton-Smith (National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS))
Toshiya Senda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Leonard Chavas (Nagoya University)
10:00-10:05 Opening remarks
Toshiya Senda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
10:05-11:05 Wladek Minor (The University of Virginia)
11:05-11:50 Yusuke Yamada (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
11:50-13:20 Lunch break
13:20-14:05 Miki Senda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
14:05-14:50 Koh Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo)
15:50-15:05 Coffee break
15:05-15:50 Tadashi Satoh (AgroDesign Studios)
15:50-16:35 Raymond Burton-Smith (National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS))
16:35-17:20 Keitaro Yamashita (The University of Tokyo)
17:20-17:25 Closing remarks
【 Contact】
Chiho Masuda
e-mail: cmasuda[at]