SBRC Seminar


日時:2024年07月16日(火)午後1:30 〜午後3:00




May Sharpe,
Dennis Stegmann

Paul Scherrer Institute, Macromolecular Crystallography

“Fragment Screening at the SLS: setup, recent developments, outlook”

Crystal based fragment screening facilitates the assessment of not only
ligand binding but also yields information about binding poise and
interactions, allowing for rapid advancement of the resulting hits. For
this, we at SLS have established a dedicated fast throughput screening
setup. We are currently investigating potential benefits of alternative
experimental procedures to standard single crystal, single
rotation-axis, synchrotron, cryo-temperature experiments. Amongst
others, we want to add standardized protocols for ambient temperature
data collection to our portfolio, which could potentially result in more
viable hits by taking the entropic contributions of ligand binding into


Yusuke Yamada

International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku

“New macromolecular crystallography endstation at NanoTerasu”

NanoTerasu is a new 3GeV high-brilliance synchrotron radiation facility,
and is located at the Tohoku University Aobayama New Campus in Sendai.
The user operation of NanoTerasu was started in April 2024. A new
macromolecular crystallography endstation is being constructed at BL09U,
one of the coalition beamlines. The hutch construction will be completed
in March 2025, and after the installation and commissioning of optics
and experimental apparatus, general user operation is planned to be
started at the end of FY2025.

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