SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.15

“Ambient-Temperature Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Studies of Bacterial Ribosome Complexes”



3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Thursday, July 27th, 2023 (JST),

Location: Hybrid (CryoEM-Lab KEK and Zoom)



Hasan Demirci

Hasan DeMirci, PhD

Assistant Professor, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Affiliate, Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, CA, USA.



High-resolution ribosome structures determined by cryo X-ray crystallography have provided important insights into the mechanism of translation. Such studies have thus far relied on large ribosome crystals kept at cryogenic temperatures to reduce radiation damage. We use serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (SFX) with an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) to obtain diffraction data from ribosome microcrystals in liquid suspension at ambient temperature. Small 30S ribosomal subunit microcrystals programmed with initiation and decoding complexes and bound to either antibiotic compounds or their next-generation derivatives diffracted to high resolution. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using SFX to better understand the structural mechanisms underpinning the interactions between ribosomes and other substrates such as antibiotics, initiation and decoding complexes. We have determined the structure of a large (50S) ribosomal subunit in a record-short time by using the record-low amount of sample during an XFEL beamtime. This structure is the largest one solved to date by any FEL source to near-atomic resolution (3 MDa). We expect that these results will enable routine structural studies, at near-physiological temperatures, of the large ribosomal subunit bound to clinically relevant classes of antibiotics targeting it, e.g. macrolides and ketolides, also with the goal of aiding the development of the next generation of these classes of antibiotics. Overall, the ability to collect diffraction data at near-physiological temperatures promises to provide new fundamental insights into the structural dynamics of the ribosome and other medically important drug targets with their functional and inhibitor complexes.


2008. Ph.D., Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, RI, USA 

2002. B.S., Chemistry, B.S., Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bogazici University, Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey

Current Research Interest:

Structural studies of bacterial translational initiation, mutant ribosomes and mechanism of antibiotic resistance.

Time-resolved Serial Femtosecond X-ray crystallography studies of ribosome complexes.

Click here to apply

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.14

“Structural insights into the peroxisomal import machinery”



4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Friday, April 7th, 2023 (JST),

Location: CryoEM-Lab KEK and Zoom



Prof. Christos Gatsogiannis, PhD

Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics and

Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN),

University of Münster, Germany.



Our research focuses on the molecular understanding of peroxisomal biogenesis. Peroxisomes are dynamic small organelles found in almost all eukaryotes and are capable of performing a plethora of crucial metabolic functions. Peroxisomal enzymes are synthesized on free cytoplasmic ribosomes and later imported into the peroxisomal lumen by the peroxisomal import machinery.  However, the main characteristics of the peroxisomal import process remain poorly understood. Our research aims to characterize and visualize these processes using cryo-electron microscopy (single particle analysis and tomography) and biochemical and biophysical methods to understand, in order to provide the necessary mechanistic insights into this central mechanism.  In this lecture, Prof. Gatsogiannis will talk about the current structural work of his group on the peroxisomal import machinery.


2005       Master (Biology), University of Mainz, Germany

2009       Ph.D. (Biology), University of Mainz, Germany, 2009

2010      Postdoctoral Researcher with Prof. J. Markl, University of Mainz, Germany

2010-2015 Postdoctoral Researcher with Dr. S. Raunser,

Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology, Germany

2016-2020 Tenured Project Group Leader,

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Germany

2020- Full Professor, University of Münster, Germany

2023- Co-Director, Center for Soft Nanoscience, Münster, Germany

Click here to apply





2022年12月16日(金)13:00〜15:00 終了予定



【お申し込み〆切 2022年11月28日(月)】





13:00 – 13:25 構造生物学研究センターの活動について+TCEFの紹介 千田俊哉

13:25 – 13:35 小角散乱ビームラインについて 清水伸隆

13:35 – 13:50 全自動結晶化システムについて 加藤龍一

13:50-14:00 休憩

14:00–14:15 タンパク質結晶解析ビームラインについて 松垣直宏

14:15–14:30 クライオ電子顕微鏡について 安達成彦


14:30-14:45 クライオ電顕実験棟・300kVクライオ電顕の見学

(Titan Krios G4をインストール中) 安達成彦、川崎 政人

14:45–15:00 自由討論

【 問い合わせ】 




e-mail: michio.kubota[at]



e-mail: cmasuda[at]

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.13

MicroED: conception, practice and future opportunities


9:00 AM – 11:00AM Monday, November 7th, 2022 (JST),

Location: Online Zoom Meeting



Prof. Tamir Gonen, PhD,

Biological Chemistry and Physiology,

David Geffen School of Medicine,

University of California, Los Angeles.

Investigator of Howard Hughes Medical Institute 



Dr Gonen is an expert in electron crystallography and cryo-EM. In 2011, he began developing a new method for structural biology, currently widely known as MicroED (Microcrystal Electron Diffraction). With this method, he has pushed the boundaries of cryo-EM and determined several previously-unknown-structures at resolutions close to 1Å. In 2013, the method of MicroED began to gain momentum with the demonstration that protein structures could be determined from 3D crystals using electron diffraction. Over the past decade several technological milestones were developed, optimized, and described. Currently, several laboratories and facilities regularly collect MicroED data and solve important structures from materials, small molecules, natural products to peptides, soluble proteins and importantly membrane proteins. In this seminar, Dr. Gonen will present the history of MicroED from its beginning, focusing on its practice, and discuss where the method is going in the coming years and where we could see its biggest impact in the coming years.


2002 – 2005           Postdoctoral fellow, Harvard Medical School.

2005 – 2010           Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine.

2009 – 2011           Early Career Scientist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

2010 – 2011            Associate Professor with Tenure, University of Washington School of Medicine.

2011 – 2017            Group Leader, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

2017 – Current        Professor, Biological Chemistry and Physiology, David Geffen School of Medicine,

University of California, Los Angeles.

2017 –       Current Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Click here to apply

第7回 クライオ電顕解析初心者講習会〜データ処理〜

クライオ電子顕微鏡によるタンパク質の単粒子解析に興味はもっているものの、実際にご自身では解析されたことがない初心者の方を対象に、構造解析ソフトウェアRELION (Sjors Scheres, MRC-LMB)の最新バージョン(Relion4-beta)を中心としたデータ解析講習会を開催いたします。


2022年10月27日(木)10:00 〜28日(金)17:45 終了予定




【応募〆切 2022年10月19日(水)15:00】




定員:20名 (解析計算実行環境のリソースに限りがあるため、人数の制限をさせていただいています。予め、 ご了承ください。)









原田彩佳:筑波大学・ 生存ダイナミクス研究センター(10/27のみ)

荒牧慎二:Tietz Video & Image Processing Systems GmbH






中山 友希子:KEK・物質構造科学研究所・構造生物学研究センター









10:00-10:10 はじめに 千田俊哉(KEK)

10:10-10:40 座学:Relion4-betaデータ解析〜2次元電顕像から初期3次元構造再構築まで〜

10:40-11:00 講演:AWSデータ解析環境の概要紹介と使い方 山田悠介(KEK)

11:00-11:20 実習:システムへのログイン、RELION起動、ジョブ実行

11:20-11:40 実習:プロジェクト作成、ドリフト補正処理開始

11:40-12:00 実習:ドリフト補正結果検証、CTF推定処理開始・結果検証

12:00-13:00 昼食

13:00–13:30 実習:手動粒子ピッキング

13:30–14:30 実習:自動粒子ピッキング処理開始・結果検証

14:30-14:45 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理開始

14:45-15:00 座学:二次元クラス平均化の基礎理論

15:00-15:30 休憩

15:30–16:00 筑波大(TARA)クライオ電顕の施設紹介 原田彩佳(筑波大)

15:30–16:00 講演:KEKクライオ電顕施設の紹介と利用方法 池田聡人(KEK)

16:00-16:30 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出

16:30–16:45 実習:初期三次元構造再構築処理開始

16:45-17:30 招待講演:重松秀樹(理化学研究所)

17:30-17:45 実習:初期三次元構造再構築結果検証

18:00-19:00 懇親会(オンライン)


10:00-10:30 座学:Relion4-betaデータ解析(概要)〜電顕鏡画像の問題点とそれを解消する3次元分類と精密化〜

10:30-11:15 実習:三次元クラス分類処理開始

11:15-11:45 実習:三次元クラス分類処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出

11:45-12:00 実習:三次元精密化処理開始

12:00-13:00 昼食

13:00-13:30 実習:三次元精密化結果検証

13:30-14:00 実習:マスク作成と後処理開始・結果検証

14:00-14:30 実習:CTF精密化処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開始・結果検証

14:30-15:00 講演:KEKクライオ電顕施設の紹介と利用方法 池田聡人(KEK)

15:00-15:30 休憩・写真撮影

15:30-16:00 実習:ベイズポリッシュ処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開始・結果検証

16:00-16:15 実習:掌性(handedness)検証

16:15-16:35 実習:crYOLO処理開始・結果検証

16:35-17:05 講演:Beyond Relion4 Tutorial 守屋俊夫(KEK)

17:05-17:35 実習:局所分解能推定処理開始・結果検証

17:35-17:45 終わりに 守屋俊夫(KEK)

【 問い合わせ】 




e-mail: akihito.ikeda[at]




e-mail: cmasuda[at]

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar 12

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.12


1:00 PM – 2:30PM Friday, July 1st, 2022 (JST),

CryoEM-Lab KEK and Zoom



Dr. Daisuke Kihara,

Purdue University, USA


Protein structure modeling and model quality assessment for cryo-EM density maps using deep learning

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become one of the main experimental methods for determining protein structures. In cryo-EM, protein structure modeling is in general more difficult than X-ray crystallography as the resolution of maps is often not high enough to specify atom positions. We have been developing computational methods for modeling protein structures from cryo-EM maps determined at a medium resolution. For maps at medium resolution, it turned out that deep learning can provide useful structure information for modeling. In this seminar, we present deep learning application in protein structure modeling and protein model quality assessment for cryo-EM. All the tools we developed are available at

Click here to apply

第6回 クライオ電顕解析初心者講習会〜データ処理〜

クライオ電子顕微鏡によるタンパク質の単粒子解析に興味はもっているものの、実際にご自身では解析されたことがない初心者の方を対象に、構造解析ソフトウェアRELION (Sjors Scheres, MRC-LMB)の最新バージョン(Relion4-beta)を中心としたデータ解析講習会を開催いたします。


2022年6月2日(木)10:00~3日(金)17:45 終了予定




【応募〆切 2022年5月26日(木)15:00】




定員:20名 (解析計算実行環境のリソースに限りがあるため、人数の制限をさせていただいています。若干増える可能性はあります。予め、ご了承ください。)











荒牧慎二:Tietz Video & Image Processing Systems GmbH










10:00-10:10 はじめに 千田俊哉(KEK)

10:10-10:40 座学:Relion4-betaデータ解析〜2次元電顕像から初期3次元構造再構築まで〜

10:40-11:00 講演:AWSデータ解析環境の概要紹介と使い方 山田悠介(KEK)

11:00-11:20 実習:システムへのログイン、RELION起動、ジョブ実行

11:20-11:40 実習:プロジェクト作成、ドリフト補正処理開始

11:40-12:00 実習:ドリフト補正結果検証、CTF推定処理開始・結果検証

12:00-13:00 昼食

13:00–13:30 実習:手動粒子ピッキング

13:30–14:30 実習:自動粒子ピッキング処理開始・結果検証

14:30-14:45 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理開始

14:45-15:00 座学:二次元クラス平均化の基礎理論

15:00-15:30 休憩

15:30–16:00 講演:KEKクライオ電顕施設の紹介と利用方法 池田聡人(KEK)

16:00-16:30 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出

16:30–16:45 実習:初期三次元構造再構築処理開始

16:45-17:30 招待講演:重松秀樹(理化学研究所)

17:30-17:45 実習:初期三次元構造再構築結果検証

18:00-19:00 懇親会(オンライン)


10:00-10:30 座学:Relion4-betaデータ解析(概要)〜電顕鏡画像の問題点とそれを解消する3次元分類と精密化〜

10:30-11:15 実習:三次元クラス分類処理開始

11:15-11:45 実習:三次元クラス分類処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出

11:45-12:00 実習:三次元精密化処理開始

12:00-13:00 昼食

13:00-13:30 実習:三次元精密化結果検証

13:30-14:00 実習:マスク作成と後処理開始・結果検証

14:00-14:30 実習:CTF精密化処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開始・結果検証

14:30-15:00 講演:クライオ電顕を初めて1年間で学んだこと 池田聡人(KEK)

15:00-15:30 休憩・写真撮影

15:30-16:00 実習:ベイズポリッシュ処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開始・結果検証

16:00-16:15 実習:掌性(handedness)検証

16:15-16:35 実習:crYOLO処理開始・結果検証

16:35-17:05 講演:Beyond Relion4 Tutorial 守屋俊夫(KEK)

17:05-17:35 実習:局所分解能推定処理開始・結果検証

17:35-17:45 終わりに 守屋俊夫(KEK)

【 問い合わせ】 




e-mail: toshio.moriya[at]




e-mail: cmasuda[at]

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar11

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.11

(Joint seminar with Tsukuba Purification Forum )


9:30 AM – Thursday, April 21st, 2022 (JST), Zoom (Online)

(cf. 5:30 PM Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 (US MST) 




Thomas Tomasiak, Ph.D. 

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,

University of Arizona


Trapping allosteric regulatory states of ABC transporters for cryo-EM


Dr. Thomas Tomasiak is currently the assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona. His primary research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of the solute transport system across the membrane. He has recently published a series of impressive works on the ABC transport system and its regulation, combining biochemical and structural biology methods (Thaker et al. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2022, Khandelwal et al. Nat. Commun. 2022, etc.). In this presentation, he will present his latest work including sample preparation for functional/structural studies.


  • 2004, Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University
  • 2011, PhD, Vanderbilt University (Prof. Tina Iverson)
  • 2010 – 2015, Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Robert Stroud group @ University of California – San Francisco (UCSF).
  • 2015 – 2017, Research Specialist, University of California – San Francisco (UCSF)
  • 2018 – Present, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

Click here to apply

第11回 SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar

JOINT SEMINAR with Tsukuba Purification Forum


2022年4月21日(木)午前9時30分~(日本時間)(Zoom Online)

(参照:2022年4月20日(水)午後5時30分(USA – MST時間)) 

スピーカー : Thomas Tomasiak, Ph.D. (アリゾナ大学)

タイトル : Trapping allosteric regulatory states of ABC transporters for cryo-EM

Thomas Tomasiak博士はアリゾナ大学のPIで膜輸送の分子メカニズムの解明を主に研究しています。最近では生化学と構造生物学の手法を組み合わせたABC transporterに関する研究を発表しています(Thaker et al. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2022, Khandelwal et al. Nat. Commun. 2022 等)。本講演ではABCトランポーターの最新の結果と共に、試料の調製、精製などについても話していただける予定です。


  • 2004, Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University
  • 2011, PhD, Vanderbilt University (Prof. Tina Iverson)
  • 2010 – 2015, Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Robert Stroud group @ University of California – San Francisco (UCSF).
  • 2015 – 2017, Research Specialist, University of California – San Francisco (UCSF)
  • 2018 – Present, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar 10


31st, March (Thu), 2022, 09:00 am – 10:30 am


Online Zoom Meeting (Language: English)



Dr. Stephen Litster, PhD

Senior Manager-HCLS Compute Specialists, 

GTM Specialist Organization | GTMS, 

Amazon Web Services (AWS), USA.

Click here to apply


In this presentation webinar, Dr. Stephen Litster, AWS Compute Specialist for Healthcare and Life Sciences, will talk about how customers are using High Performance Computing on AWS to scale and accelerate Structure Based Drug Discovery (SBDD), and how Structural Biotechnology and AWS partnered to enable structural biologists to deploy CryoSPARC in the cloud.


Steve is the Manager of the Healthcare and Life Sciences Compute Specialists team at AWS. After obtaining his PhD in Chemical Crystallography in 1992, he continued his research career at the University of Calgary (Canada), during which time, he was exposed to his first “super computer”-the Fujitsu VPX240, and realized the impact HPC could have on scientific discovery. This was followed by a move to Harvard University (USA) in 1998 working under the supervision of Professors Don Wiley and Steve Harrison in the area of macromolecular and computational crystallography. In 2004 he joined the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research as the Global lead for Scientific Computing, specializing in the application of High Performance, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing to advance drug discovery, where he remained for 14 years before joining AWS (USA) in 2020.

第10回 SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar

AWSヘルスケア・ライフサイエンス・コンピューティングスペシャリストのStephen Litster博士が、AWSの顧客ユーザーが同社のハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC)を使用して構造に基づく医薬品設計(SBDD、Structure Based Drug Discovery)をスケーリング・高速化した方法と、構造バイオテクノロジーとAWSの連携により構造生物学に関わる研究者がCryoSPARCをクラウドに容易にデプロイすることができるようにした事例を紹介します。


Steveさんは、現在AWSのヘルスケア・ライフサイエンス・コンピューティングスペシャリスト・チームのマネージャーを務めています。1992年に化学結晶学の博士号を取得した後、カルガリー大学(カナダ)で研究者としてのキャリアを続け、その時に初めて「スーパーコンピュータ」〜富士通VPX240〜に触れ、HPCが科学の発見に与える影響を実感しました。その後、1998年にハーバード大学(米国)に移り、Don Wiley教授とSteve Harrison教授の指導の下、高分子結晶学と計算機結晶学の分野で研究を行いました。2004年にノバルティス生物医学研究所に科学計算のグローバルリードとして入社し、創薬の推進するためにハイパフォーマンス、データ分析、クラウドコンピューティングの応用を専門として14年間在籍した後、2020年にAWS(米国)に入社しました。