“Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopes for Volume-EM and Cryo-Microscopy”
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 (JST),
Location: Hybrid (CryoEM-Lab KEK and Zoom)

Dr. Alexander Rigort
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Munich, Germany
FIB/SEM microscopes have proven to be indispensable tools for cryo-electron microscopy and volumetric imaging of biological specimens. These devices can be used to analyze samples at room temperature and under cryo-conditions. Equipped with automation software for both data acquisition and electron transparent lamella fabrication, FIB/SEM microscopes offer a wide range of applications and multiple workflows for obtaining volumetric information. The imaging capabilities include high-resolution serial imaging with FIB/SEM tomography (slice & view), millimeter-scale analysis with the spin mill method, array tomography and correlative microscopy with the iFLM system. Additionally, Plasma-FIB systems allow the use of up to four different ion species, which can be used to optimize milling and imaging for both cryogenic and resin-embedded samples. In this lecture, I will provide an overview of the current state of developments, applications, and the related FIB/SEM product range.
Dr. Alex Rigort works in product marketing and development for Thermo Fisher Scientific and holds a guest researcher position at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried. He has pioneered the use of cryo-focused ion beam instruments for cryo-tomography at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and has long-standing experience in cryo-electron microscopy.
Link to Publications: Dr. Alexander Rigort (Google Scholar)
More about the author: https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/do/10.1002/was.0002057028/