SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.22

SBCloud: A Cloud-based Platform for Cryo-EM Structure Determination and Training from SBGrid


Date and Time

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Wednesday, April 16th, 2025


Hybrid (Zoom and KEK CryoEM building)


Jason Key, PhD

Associate Director of Technology & Innovation, SBGrid Consortium Lecturer on Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,
Harvard Medical School



The ever-growing demand for computational power, data storage, and access to cutting-edge scientific software can be a formidable challenge for structural biology research labs. SBGrid, an international research computing consortium based at Harvard Medical School aims to break down technological barriers in structural biology and accelerate discoveries. To support this mission, SBGrid provides an extensive suite of scientific software, expert domain-specific support, computing hardware solutions, and training for scientists investigating molecular mechanisms at the atomic level. Recognizing the increasing computational demands of cryo-EM structure determination, we developed SBCloud—an AWS infrastructure-as-code high-performance computing environment designed for advanced analysis and visualization of structural biology data. We have used SBCloud to host global cryo-EM workshops, fostering collaboration and hands-on training in high-performance computing for structural biologists. We recently offered SBCloud to the SBGrid community on a limited basis, enabling researchers to tackle cryo-EM and Cryo-ET structure determination projects and enabling us to test our platform at scale. In this presentation, I will share insights and lessons learned from our experience in training and supporting the global cryo-EM and Cryo-ET research community and discuss the role of cloud resources in computational structural biology.



1997 BS Biochemistry
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

2004 Ph.D, Time-resolved Laue diffraction of Bacterial sensor proteins
University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA

2004-2007, Postdoc, Femtosecond laser spectroscopy of sensor proteins
Free University Amsterdam/University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

2007-2012, Postdoc, Inhibition of HIF-2alpha with small molecules
University of Texas Southwestern, TX USA

2012-2014, Structural Biology Computing Specialist, Harvard
2014-current, Lecturer on Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
2014-current, Associate DIrector of Technology and Innovation, SBGrid Consortium

Click here to apply

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.21

Structural Biology in Industry – Proteros overview


Date and Time

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Wednesday, January 22th, 2025


Online (Zoom)


Eva Cunha, PhD

2006 Master (Bioinformatics), University of Lisbon, Portugal
2013 Ph.D. (Biophysics), Jonhs Hopkins University, USA
2013-2015 Postdoctoral Researcher with Dr. N. Abrescia, CIC-Biogune, Spain
2016-2018 Postdoctoral Researcher with Dr. W. Kuhlbrandt, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysics, Germany
2018-2021 Researcher, University of Oslo, Norway
2021-2022 Principal Investigator, University of Oslo, Norway
2022-2023 Director for cryoEM, Proteros Biostructures, Germany
2024-Present Department Head and BU co-head for cryoEM, Proteros Biostructures, Germany

Stephan Krapp, PhD

1997 Master of Biochemistry, Imperial College, UK / University of Bayreuth, Germany
2002 Ph.D. in Protein Crystallography, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany (Prof. Dr. Robert Huber)
2003 Research scientist and project manager at Proteros Biostructures, Martinsried, Germany
2010 Department Head of Structural Biology at Proteros Biostructures, Martinsried, Germany
2022 – present: Business Unit Head x-ray crystallography and co-Department head x-ray crystallography at Proteros Biostructures, Martinsried, Germany


Proteros offers cutting-edge cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) and x-ray crystallography services tailored to accelerate drug discovery by providing high-resolution structural insights into challenging pharmaceutical targets. Our platform integrates state-of-the-art cryoEM and x-ray instrumentation, proprietary workflows, and deep expertise in structure determination to deliver actionable data for small-molecule and biologics programs.

Proteros specializes in resolving protein structures, protein-ligand complexes, and multi-protein assemblies with precision, even for challenging targets like membrane proteins. By enabling atomic resolution insights, our services empower researchers to drive structure-based drug design, optimize lead compounds, and elucidate mechanisms of action. This talk will highlight Proteros’ streamlined processes, success stories, and how our structural biology capabilities bridge the gap between molecular structures and therapeutic breakthroughs. Case studies will include GPCR´s (e.g. GLP1R), ion channels (e.g. Kv.1.3) Kinases (e.g. TAK1, cRAF-14-3-3) and others.

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Registration for international seminar

Registration for

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.22

【First Name】*

【Family Name】*

【Affiliation/Company】 *

【E-mail】 *

【Online】 *
Depending on the availability of the venue, we may ask you to participate online.



After registering, please confirm your registration details in the acceptance e-mail.
If you do not receive an email, your registration may not have been accepted.
Please contact us.

第9回 クライオ電顕解析初心者講習会〜データ処理〜

構造解析ソフトウェアRELION (Sjors Scheres, MRC-LMB)を中心としたデータ解析講習会をオンライン開催いたします。



1日目:2024年11月21日(木)10:00 〜 17:45 終了予定 (18:00 〜 19:00 オンライン懇親会)
2日目:2024年11月22日(金)10:00 〜 17:45 終了予定


講習会にアクセスするためのZoom URLは、参加登録時にお申込みいただきましたメールアドレスにお送りいたします。開催日が近づきましたら改めて個別にご案内をさせていただきます。



【応募〆切 2024年11月8日(金)15:00】



定員:20名 (解析計算実行環境のリソースに限りがあるため、人数の制限をさせていただいています。予め、 ご了承ください。)







荒牧慎二:Tietz Video & Image Processing Systems GmbH
中村 司:KEK・物質構造科学研究所・構造生物学研究センター









10:00-10:10 はじめに 池田聡人(KEK)
10:10-10:40 座学:Relion5-betaデータ解析〜2次元電顕像から初期3次元構造再構築まで〜
10:40-11:00 講演:AWSデータ解析環境の概要紹介と使い方 中村司(KEK)
11:00-11:20 実習:システムへのログイン、Relion起動
11:20-11:40 実習:プロジェクト作成、ドリフト補正処理開始
11:40-12:00 実習:ドリフト補正結果検証、CTF推定処理開始・結果検証

12:00 13:00 昼食

13:00-13:30 実習:手動粒子ピッキング
13:30-14:10 実習:自動粒子ピッカー訓練処理開始
14:10-14:40 座学:二次元クラス平均化までの基礎理論
14:40-14:55 実習:自動粒子ピッキング処理継続・結果検証
14:55-15:10 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理開始

15:10-15:40 休憩

15:40-16:10 実習:二次元クラス平均化処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出
16:10-16:30 講演:KEKクライオ電顕施設の紹介と利用方法 川崎政人(KEK)
16:30-16:45 実習:初期三次元構造再構築処理開始
16:45-17:30 招待講演:重松秀樹(JASRI/SPring-8)
17:30-17:45  実習:初期三次元構造再構築結果と掌性(handedness)検証

18:00-19:00 懇親会(オンライン)



10:00-10:10 座学:Relion5-betaデータ解析(概要)〜電顕鏡画像の問題点とそれを解消する3次元分類と精密化〜
10:10-10:30 実習:三次元クラス分類処理開始
10:30-11:10 座学:三次元処理の基礎理論
11:10-11:50 実習:三次元クラス分類処理結果検証、クラス選別、粒子抽出
11:50-12:10 実習:三次元精密化処理開始
12:10-13:10 昼食
13:10-13:40 実習:三次元精密化結果検証
13:40-14:10 実習:マスク作成と後処理開始・結果検証
14:10-14:40 実習:CTF精密化処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開始

14:40-15:10 写真撮影、休憩

15:10-15:30 実習:三次元精密化処理結果検証、ベイズポリッシュ処理開始・結果検証、三次元精密化処理開
15:30-16:00 講演:Beyond Relion5 Tutorial 守屋俊夫(KEK)
16:00-16:10 実習:三次元精密化処理結果検証
16:10-16:25 実習:局所分解能推定処理開始・結果検証
16:25-17:05 講演:ダイナミクス解析と原子モデリング 中村司(KEK)
17:05-17:20 講演:crYOLOと全自動解析処理・結果検証 池田聡人(KEK)
17:20-17:25 終わりに 守屋俊夫(KEK)

【 問い合わせ】 

E-mail: akihito.ikeda[at]

E-mail: cmasuda[at]


第9回 クライオ電顕解析初心者講習会〜データ処理〜



【所属名】 (例) ○○大学□□研究科  必須

【所属住所】 必須

【メールアドレス】 必須

【身分】 (例) 教授、研究員、博士課程後期1年など  必須






2024年12月12日(木)13:00〜15:00 終了予定


KEK・構造生物実験準備棟・会議室 MAP

【お申し込み〆切 2024年11月29日(金)】





13:00- 13:15 構造生物学研究センターの活動について

13:15- 13:30 タンパク質結晶化スクリーニングシステムについて:加藤

13:30-13:45 タンパク質結晶構造解析ビームラインについて:松垣

13:45-14:00 クライオ電子顕微鏡について

14:00-14:15 休憩

14:15-14:45 CryoEMコンソーシアムにてオプション利用が可能になる「GoToCloud」とそのデモンストレーション:守屋

14:45-15:00 自由討論

【 問い合わせ】 

E-mail: michio.kubota[at]


E-mail: cmasuda[at] 

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.20

“Using Federated Learning and AI to Treat Rare Disease and Cancers”



9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Wednesday, November 20th, 2024,

Location: Online (Zoom)



Mr. Jacob Mevorach

Senior Application Modernization Specialist; Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Jacob Mevorach is a senior specialist in application modernization for healthcare and the life sciences at AWS. Jacob has a background in robotics, bioinformatics and machine learning. Prior to joining AWS, Jacob focused on enabling and conducting large scale analysis for genomics and other scientific areas.


While artificial intelligence (AI) has tremendous potential to positively impact patient outcomes generally this approach remains constrained by limitations in regard to cost and patient privacy. In this talk the author will discuss how federated learning techniques were applied to ameliorate all of these concerns as part of a manuscript entitled “An international study presenting a federated learning AI platform for pediatric brain tumors” which was recently published in Nature Communications. The manuscript has also been featured in Nature Communications’ “Cancer Collection”. According to the journal “the Editors’ Highlights pages aim to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area, and we routinely replace papers as more great research is published at Nature Communications.” The author will explore how this approach is promising not just for oncology but all areas of medicine and some areas that will be explored in the near future.

Click here to apply

Registration for

Registration for

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.19

【First Name】*

【Family Name】*

【Affiliation/Company】 *

【E-mail】 *

【Online or Onsite】 *
Depending on the availability of the venue, we may ask you to participate online.



After registering, please confirm your registration details in the acceptance e-mail.
If you do not receive an email, your registration may not have been accepted.
Please contact us.

SBRC International Cryo-EM Seminar No.19

“Protein structure modeling and assessment using deep learning (DeepMainmast and DAQ score)”



4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Wednesday, October 23th, 2024,

Location: Hybrid (CryoEM-Lab KEK and Zoom)



Tsukasa Nakamura, PhD

Structural Biology Research Center,

Institute of Materials Structure Science,

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan

formerly: Biological Sciences, Purdue University, USA


2019                     Ph.D. (Science) in Bioinformatics, The University of Tokyo, Japan

2019-2022             Postdoctoral Fellow (JSPS(PD)), Tohoku University, Japan

2022-2024.6          Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue University, USA

2024.7-current        Postdoctoral Research Fellow, KEK IMSS SBRC, Japan


Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become one of the main experimental methods for determining protein structures. In cryo-EM, protein structure modeling is in general more difficult than X-ray crystallography as the resolution of maps is often not high enough to specify atom positions. We have been developing computational methods for modeling protein structures from cryo-EM maps determined at a medium resolution (2.5-5 Å). For maps at medium resolution, it turned out that deep learning can provide useful structure information for modeling and protein model quality assessment. In this seminar, we present deep learning applications in protein structure modeling (DeepMainmast) and protein model quality assessment (DAQ score) along with the large-scale analysis results of the quality of protein models from cryo-EM in the Protein Data Bank, which is accessible at DAQ-Score Database All the tools we developed are easy to use at

Click here to apply

SBRC Seminar


日時:2024年07月16日(火)午後1:30 〜午後3:00




May Sharpe,
Dennis Stegmann

Paul Scherrer Institute, Macromolecular Crystallography

“Fragment Screening at the SLS: setup, recent developments, outlook”

Crystal based fragment screening facilitates the assessment of not only
ligand binding but also yields information about binding poise and
interactions, allowing for rapid advancement of the resulting hits. For
this, we at SLS have established a dedicated fast throughput screening
setup. We are currently investigating potential benefits of alternative
experimental procedures to standard single crystal, single
rotation-axis, synchrotron, cryo-temperature experiments. Amongst
others, we want to add standardized protocols for ambient temperature
data collection to our portfolio, which could potentially result in more
viable hits by taking the entropic contributions of ligand binding into


Yusuke Yamada

International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku

“New macromolecular crystallography endstation at NanoTerasu”

NanoTerasu is a new 3GeV high-brilliance synchrotron radiation facility,
and is located at the Tohoku University Aobayama New Campus in Sendai.
The user operation of NanoTerasu was started in April 2024. A new
macromolecular crystallography endstation is being constructed at BL09U,
one of the coalition beamlines. The hutch construction will be completed
in March 2025, and after the installation and commissioning of optics
and experimental apparatus, general user operation is planned to be
started at the end of FY2025.

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